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Refined taste with a century of history
Tastings and excursions
How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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How it all began...

The history of UAB "Bouquet of Moldova" dates back to the early 30s of the 20th century, when a distillery was organized on the basis of a cooperative artel. Was later organized central dispensary, factory management and rural dispensaries in the villages of Doibany, Koshnitsa, N. Komissarovka and Kochiera.

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About The Plant

CJSC Buket Moldavii is an enterprise with almost a century of history and specializes in the production of a wide range of alcoholic beverages produced according to the preserved traditional classical technologies and using original recipes.

Today, CJSC "Buket Moldavii" produces more than 60 types of alcoholic beverages, the number of which is increasing annually. The company has many awards, including international ones.

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About 500 hectares of vineyards, 30 hectares of plantings of aromatic herbs and perennial plants (Japanese quince, walnut, black ash, etc.) meet the needs of our production in its own raw materials.
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img Dubossary
Rose hip

The main active ingredients contained in rose hips are ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2, carotene, vitamins PP and K, flavonoids, pantothenic acid. The berries of the plant contain pectin substances, phenols, organic acids, salts of iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

Rose hip

The main active ingredients contained in rose hips are ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2, carotene, vitamins PP and K, flavonoids, pantothenic acid. The berries of the plant contain pectin substances, phenols, organic acids, salts of iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

Вина / Ароматизированные

Являются оригинальными по рецептуре и классическими по технологии производства, готовится исключительно из натурального сырья с использованием настоев пряно-ароматических растений (полынь, тысячелистник, мята, мелисса, душица, зверобой, корица, кардамон, чабрец, кориандр, липа, девясил, ромашка, гвоздика и другие, всего 28 наименований).

Перейти в каталог

Напиток крепостью 40-45%, изготавливаемый путем настойки трав на спирту с добавлением других ингредиентов, предусмотренных рецептурой (эфирные масла, корни, стебли, листья, сахар, мед, фрукты и т.д.).

В каталог

Напиток крепостью 40-45%, изготавливаемый путем настойки трав на спирту с добавлением других ингредиентов, предусмотренных рецептурой (эфирные масла, корни, стебли, листья, сахар, мед, фрукты и т.д.).

В каталог

Напиток крепостью 40-45%, изготавливаемый путем настойки трав на спирту с добавлением других ингредиентов, предусмотренных рецептурой (эфирные масла, корни, стебли, листья, сахар, мед, фрукты и т.д.).

В каталог
What have we achieved

На сегодняшний день ЗАО «Букет Молдавии» производит более 60-и видов наименований алкогольной продукции, количество которых ежегодно увеличивается. Предприятие обладает множеством наград, в том числе и международного уровня.

Непрерывный контроль качества выпускаемой предприятием продукции осуществляет собственная производственная лаборатория, которая аккредитована в ПМР.
Также на предприятии внедрена система менеджмента качества ISO 9001:2008.


Стран мира оценили
по достоинству наши напитки


Гектаров плодородной земли засажены виноградниками и другими культурами


Миллионов литров продукции было произведено на все время существования


Международных наград было завоевано за все время существования

Company events
Discover the authentic Italian taste in every sip of Aperol BM from CJSC "Buket Moldavii"!
Discover the authentic Italian taste in every sip of Aperol BM from CJSC "Buket Moldavii"!

The Aperol BM position from Buket Moldavii CJSC is a unique combination of craftsmanship and inspiration, created in honor of the traditional Italian liqueur Aperol.Aperol BM embodies the vibrant ener..

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CJSC "Buket Moldavii" will take part in the international exhibition "ProWein 2024"!
CJSC "Buket Moldavii" will take part in the international exhibition "ProWein 2024"!

CJSC "Buket Moldavii" will take part in the international exhibition "ProWein 2024"!We invite everyone, both our beloved customers and partners, to spend these wonderful days with us!Exhibition date: ..

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Russian cosmonauts tried the Transnistrian "space" balsam
Russian cosmonauts tried the Transnistrian "space" balsam

The cosmonauts visited the Buket Moldavii plant, where a new museum was opened. The guests were also shown the production itself. Everyone was able to taste the new drinks of the plant, including the..

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